Friday, June 8, 2012

"A Road Well Traveled"

Where does life begin 
and when does it end?  
Is it when we are born and when we die?  I think not.
I think our lives have many beginnings and we die many times.  I know 
what it feels like to be reborn and I know what it feels like to die.  

I have lived a long time and enjoyed traveling on a multitude of roads.
I've always wondered... 
exactly how long is the road well traveled?

My road with Jim has proven to be very long.
I am posting this in his honor and because
the last sentence that he wrote struck me like a
ton of bricks, which is something you will not understand.
Mary will know what I am talking about and so will Jim.  

Jim was my sculpting teacher, my friend and my lifelong fellow artist. 

Artist Scottsdale Studio Eagle Keeper Wax.gif (122738 bytes)

This is directly from Jim's website: 

The photo above shows me at work on the model for the life size  
Golden Eagle bronze which was to be 
attached on the arm of the clay figure in the far right background. 
The completed bronze is entitled "Eagle Keeper."  
The Jim Branscum Art Studio was located for five years 
at the Scottsdale Center for the Arts complex in Scottsdale, 
Arizona. The foreground shows my first two bronzes, 
a 1/2 scale bust of myself entitled "The Dream Lives on Forever,"  
and a 1/3 scale bronze of young Navajo girl and her goat entitled "Reflections" 
which was modeled after a drawing of the same name; both bronzes are sold out 
and available only on the secondary market.

Approximately one year after beginning the "Aging in America- Our Heritage of Wisdom" 
drawing project, I closed the studio due to the extensive travel required for the 
Aging in America (AIA) drawing project and because my efforts on the AIA project 
prevented further commissions for three years or more.  As I write this description,  
the three years has become six years and counting. However, like General McArthur once said, 
"I shall return."  
At the completion of the AIA project, my plans are to reopen my studio and gallery in Scottsdale.


Christina K Brown said...

Life is but a dream.


I know not whether I dream of life or if it dreams of me.

Tamara said...

I knew this was you and I smiled as soon as I saw "Mommy".

Francesca Ball said...

I was the model for the bronze with the girl and the goat, Reflections. I still have my own bronze. Jim was a family friend.